메인 컨텐츠로 이동
버전: 3.5.2

클라이언트 아키텍처

Theme aliases

A theme works by exporting a set of components, e.g. Navbar, Layout, Footer, to render the data passed down from plugins. Docusaurus and users use these components by importing them using the @theme webpack alias:

import Navbar from '@theme/Navbar';

The alias @theme can refer to a few directories, in the following priority:

  1. A user's website/src/theme directory, which is a special directory that has the higher precedence.
  2. A Docusaurus theme package's theme directory.
  3. 도큐사우루스 코어에서 제공하는 대체 컴포넌트(거의 사용할 일은 없습니다)

This is called a layered architecture: a higher-priority layer providing the component would shadow a lower-priority layer, making swizzling possible. 디렉터리 구조가 아래와 같은 경우:

├── node_modules
│ └── @docusaurus/theme-classic
│ └── theme
│ └── Navbar.js
└── src
└── theme
└── Navbar.js

website/src/theme/Navbar.js takes precedence whenever @theme/Navbar is imported. 이런 동작을 컴포넌트 바꾸기(swizzling)이라고 합니다. If you are familiar with Objective C where a function's implementation can be swapped during runtime, it's the exact same concept here with changing the target @theme/Navbar is pointing to!

We already talked about how the "userland theme" in src/theme can re-use a theme component through the @theme-original alias. One theme package can also wrap a component from another theme, by importing the component from the initial theme, using the @theme-init import.

Here's an example of using this feature to enhance the default theme CodeBlock component with a react-live playground feature.

import InitialCodeBlock from '@theme-init/CodeBlock';
import React from 'react';

export default function CodeBlock(props) {
return props.live ? (
<ReactLivePlayground {...props} />
) : (
<InitialCodeBlock {...props} />

Check the code of @docusaurus/theme-live-codeblock for details.


Unless you want to publish a re-usable "theme enhancer" (like @docusaurus/theme-live-codeblock), you likely don't need @theme-init.

이런 별칭을 이해하는 건 상당히 어려울 수 있습니다. 세 가지 테마/플러그인과 사이트 자체가 모두 같은 컴포넌트를 정의하려고 하는 매우 복잡한 설정으로 다음과 같은 경우를 상상해보죠. 내부적으로 도큐사우루스는 이런 테마를 "스택" 형태로 로드합니다.

| `website/src/theme/CodeBlock.js` | <-- `@theme/CodeBlock` always points to the top
| `theme-live-codeblock/theme/CodeBlock/index.js` | <-- `@theme-original/CodeBlock` points to the topmost non-swizzled component
| `plugin-awesome-codeblock/theme/CodeBlock.js` |
| `theme-classic/theme/CodeBlock/index.js` | <-- `@theme-init/CodeBlock` always points to the bottom

The components in this "stack" are pushed in the order of preset plugins > preset themes > plugins > themes > site, so the swizzled component in website/src/theme always comes out on top because it's loaded last.

@theme/* always points to the topmost component—when CodeBlock is swizzled, all other components requesting @theme/CodeBlock receive the swizzled version.

@theme-original/* always points to the topmost non-swizzled component. That's why you can import @theme-original/CodeBlock in the swizzled component—it points to the next one in the "component stack", a theme-provided one. 플러그인 작성자는 컴포넌트가 최상위 컴포넌트일 수 있고 자신을 가져오려고 할 수도 있기 때문에 이를 사용하지 말아야 합니다.

@theme-init/* always points to the bottommost component—usually, this comes from the theme or plugin that first provides this component. Individual plugins / themes trying to enhance code block can safely use @theme-init/CodeBlock to get its basic version. Site creators should generally not use this because you likely want to enhance the topmost instead of the bottommost component. It's also possible that the @theme-init/CodeBlock alias does not exist at all—Docusaurus only creates it when it points to a different one from @theme-original/CodeBlock, i.e. when it's provided by more than one theme. 우리는 별칭을 낭비하지 않습니다!

Client modules

클라이언트 모듈은 테마 컴포넌트와 마찬가지로 사이트 번들의 일부입니다. 하지만 일반적으로 문제점을 같이 가지고 있습니다. Client modules are anything that can be imported by Webpack—CSS, JS, etc. JS 스크립트는 일반적으로 이벤트 리스너 등록, 전역 변수 생성과 같은 전역 컨텍스트로 작동합니다.

리액트에서 초기 UI를 렌더링 처리하기 전에 전역으로 모듈을 가져옵니다.

// 내부에서 동작하는 방식
import '@generated/client-modules';

Plugins and sites can both declare client modules, through getClientModules and siteConfig.clientModules, respectively.

Client modules are called during server-side rendering as well, so remember to check the execution environment before accessing client-side globals.

import ExecutionEnvironment from '@docusaurus/ExecutionEnvironment';

if (ExecutionEnvironment.canUseDOM) {
// As soon as the site loads in the browser, register a global event listener
window.addEventListener('keydown', (e) => {
if (e.code === 'Period') {
location.assign(location.href.replace('.com', '.dev'));

CSS stylesheets imported as client modules are global.

/* This stylesheet is global. */
.globalSelector {
color: red;

Client module lifecycles

Besides introducing side-effects, client modules can optionally export two lifecycle functions: onRouteUpdate and onRouteDidUpdate.

Because Docusaurus builds a single-page application, script tags will only be executed the first time the page loads, but will not re-execute on page transitions. 이러한 수명주기는 새로운 페이지가 로드될 때마다 실행해야 하는 명령형 JS 로직이 있는 경우에 유용합니다(예: DOM 요소 조작, 분석 데이터 전송 등).

모든 라우트 트랜지션에는 몇 가지 중요한 타이밍이 있습니다.

  1. 사용자가 링크를 클릭하면 라우터가 현재 위치를 변경합니다.
  2. 도큐사우루스는 현재 페이지 콘텐츠를 계속 표시하면서 다음 경로의 애셋을 미리 로드합니다.
  3. 다음 경로의 애셋이 로드됐습니다.
  4. 새로운 위치의 라우트 컴포넌트가 DOM에 렌더링됩니다.

onRouteUpdate will be called at event (2), and onRouteDidUpdate will be called at (4). They both receive the current location and the previous location (which can be null, if this is the first screen).

onRouteUpdate can optionally return a "cleanup" callback, which will be called at (3). For example, if you want to display a progress bar, you can start a timeout in onRouteUpdate, and clear the timeout in the callback. (The classic theme already provides an nprogress integration this way.)

새로운 페이지의 DOM은 (4)번 이벤트에서만 사용할 수 있습니다. If you need to manipulate the new page's DOM, you'll likely want to use onRouteDidUpdate, which will be fired as soon as the DOM on the new page has mounted.

export function onRouteDidUpdate({location, previousLocation}) {
// Don't execute if we are still on the same page; the lifecycle may be fired
// because the hash changes (e.g. when navigating between headings)
if (location.pathname !== previousLocation?.pathname) {
const title = document.getElementsByTagName('h1')[0];
if (title) {
title.innerText += '❤️';

export function onRouteUpdate({location, previousLocation}) {
if (location.pathname !== previousLocation?.pathname) {
const progressBarTimeout = window.setTimeout(() => {
}, delay);
return () => window.clearTimeout(progressBarTimeout);
return undefined;

또는 타입스크립트를 사용하고 있고 상황에 맞는 입력을 활용하려는 경우

import type {ClientModule} from '@docusaurus/types';

const module: ClientModule = {
onRouteUpdate({location, previousLocation}) {
// ...
onRouteDidUpdate({location, previousLocation}) {
// ...
export default module;

두 가지 수명주기 모두 첫 번째 렌더링에서 실행되지만 서버 측에서 실행되지 않으므로 브라우저 전역에서 안전하게 접근할 수 있습니다.

Prefer using React

클라이언트 모듈 수명주기는 순전한 명령형이며 리액트 훅을 사용하거나 그 안의 리액트 컨텍스트에 접근할 수 없습니다. If your operations are state-driven or involve complicated DOM manipulations, you should consider swizzling components instead.