도큐사우루스 2021년 회고
· 10분 읽기 분량
도큐사우루스는 2021년에도 엄청난 일들을 해냈습니다! We've seen a lot of traction and just crossed 30k stars on GitHub!
We've reached full feature parity with v1 after the release of internationalization, announced our first beta, and welcomed significantly more users this year.
The official v2 release is just around the corner! Follow the roadmap issue for any latest news.
새로 추가된 기능
2021년에 추가된 몇 가지 주요 사항을 살펴보는 것으로 시작해보죠. Remember the todo-list from half a year ago? 다시 꺼내서 우리가 얼마나 멀리 왔는지를 살펴볼 시간입니다!
- Internationalization: officially released four months after its initial landing in late 2020. Seen great success in many projects
- Autogenerated sidebars: no need to maintain a big
anymore - Webpack 5: significantly improved build performance
- Trailing slash config: seamless integration with any content hosting provider
- Redesigned mobile navigation: mobile users now enjoy all navigation features as on desktop
- UI improvements: more accessible quotes, better admonitions, back-to-top button...
- Blog multi-authors: credit all the amazing contributors that collaborated on one blog post!
- More blog features: archive page, structured data for SEO, full post content in feeds – empowering you to ship a fully-featured blog in no time
- Asset collocation: no need for a bloated static folder anymore: colocate your images with Markdown files
- Sidebar category index pages: category labels can now be associated with pages, enabling better doc organization
시간이 지나면서 코드도 안정적으로 다듬었습니다. 테스트 범위를 개선하고 모든 패키지를 타입스크립트로 이전했습니다. 배포하는 번들 크기도 최대 60%까지 줄였습니다.